Title: Playing the Game

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Product Description: Take a ride with Marcus Harris, an educated roughneck with mass potential. Marcus has the game down, playing women left and right. He never falls short of a new admirer, but he is crew. Marcus grew up with Tyrone (Trigger), and Dupree (Durango) on the South side of Chicago's mean streets. In time, he will have to make a decision, his freedom, or his boys. Life in the streets can sometimes cost more than you are willing to pay. Ride with Marcus and his crew on a dangerous journey dealing with the Freight organization. You will see things that make you shudder and ruthless murders that make most people think twice.   


3 People Reviewed This Item

Nov. 26, 2011By Ilene Brooks
I read this book and it was incredible, the story is told by Marcus Harris a college student hanging with his friends. What I liked about this story was the plot and how a simple incident became a dangerous encounter for these three men. There is excitement through and throug this read some parts are pretty scary, but you realize this could realy happen if you pick your associates unwisely. I would recommend this book to all my friends and family especially if you like crime drama with a touch of romance. The book takes you on a dangerous journey living life on the street and it makes us wonder how many young people have found themselves in this type of situation. This is an excellent read.

Dec. 30, 2011By Andrea Evans
This book has a great story told by Marcus Harris a college student with potential but makes the mistake of choosing his boys over common sense. The story centers around wanting to fit in with people even when it is a bad decision. In this story, Marcus will learn a life lesson about being crew and the price of friendship. What amazes me about this story is how a simple misunderstanding becomes revenge, crime, and danger. I enjoyed this book and I would recommend it to my friends and family. This was an excellent read.

Nov. 6, 2011By Dorothy Cosey
This book is about street life, loyalty, and being crew. It takes the reader deep into life on the streets. Marcus Harris has it all women, money ,and clothes. He is a player running with his crew, but it all goes wrong when one crew member leads Marcus and Durango down the path of organized crime and drug dealers. Marcus will have to make a decision either to live or die playing the game.                                         https://www.google.com/http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/playing-the-game/id486837637?mt=11

By Tonya Brooks May 16, 2012 I started reading this book and could not put it down!! It is a great story with an ending you do not expect. It has a great story line and alot of drama. It shows you how life in the street is. Another great book by a great author. on Title: Playing the Game


  1. By Tonya Brooks May 16, 2012
    I started reading this book and could not put it down!! It is a great story with an ending you do not expect. It has a great story line and alot of drama. It shows you how life in the street is. Another great book by a great author.


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